Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Assignment 7

            Putting together this final project has been a gratifying experience. If I was asked to put this together at the beginning of the semester I would have dropped out of the class automatically. It is great to see all the hard work I have put in this semester has paid off. This portfolio is the start of my future as incorporating technology into my classroom.

            I would say the hardest part about this project was remembering how to do everything. Doing it the first couple of weeks and then waiting till now was a bad choice but it came back to me super fast. All the skills are learned are extremely basic and will most likely stay with me forever.

Assignment 6 Reflection

Assignment six was without a doubt a challenge. Making the rubric was fine after having an example in class. It was also easier because we worked in a group. This shows me that as a teacher I do not have to do everything alone. It is always better to ask advice from fellow teachers than to just struggle on your own.

            The website annotated bibliography was interesting to do. My biggest challenge was finding sites that were not good. As a college student I’m so programmed to make sure that all the sites I use are credible and good sources that it took me twice as long to find bad ones. It was also challenging because a lot of the websites I found had useful information that to me seemed relevant but because they weren’t sited or didn’t have author they weren’t considered to be good sources. This assignment definitely showed me just a glimpse of what it takes to come up with a lesson plan and making sure that the resource I use are not only age appropriate but have factual and good information.