Monday, October 25, 2010

Sojourner Truth and Conquering Themsleves Beautifully

These two reading show two very different perspectives of what it means to be a women. Sojourner Truth talks about how we are equal to me and deserve to be treated equally. Where as in the other reading all they talk about is the girls working to please their father. Not that there is anything wrong with one or the other, I think its more about what you believe is more important and how to balance your life.

Sojourner's point of view is something that I have always thought about. Being a black women is like the ultimate minority. Not only did they have to fight to be treated equally because of the color of their skin but once they finally thought everything was going to be okay they had to fight because they were a women. It shows us and tell us that as women we need to be strong and have respect for ourselves and to make sure that others respect us as well. African-American women have gone through so much work and pain, more than anyone else on this earth and without a doubt they deserve to be treated equally.

Conquering Themselves Beautifully talks more about the nurturing side of a women. The girls have jobs like, teaching, office work, and dish washing. Jobs that men barely ever do. When the author takes time to describe them all they talk about is how they look and compare them to what a women should act like. They never once talk about how they are smart or anything worthwhile other than their beauty. They are working to make their father happy. They are giving up their happiness just so that they can help their father and the other men that our serving the country. This is the women that men are used to and the women that we have broken away from.

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